walking tour

美 [ˈwɔːkɪŋ tʊr]英 [ˈwɔːkɪŋ tʊə(r)]
  • 徒步旅行
walking tourwalking tour
  1. He has gone on a walking tour .


  2. I wear out two pair of boots on the walking tour .


  3. We 've arranged a walking tour of the city with your guide .


  4. One spring I went a walking tour in the country .


  5. I thought maybe we 'd do a walking tour of New York underground .


  6. The guide is ready to begin the walking tour .


  7. But not all tour guides give the general senior citizens walking tour !


  8. Yeah , a walking tour in Singapore is actually a cultural tour .


  9. They explained they were brothers on a walking tour .


  10. A restless character like you can benefit tremendously from a walking tour .


  11. While on a walking tour with his wife , he stopped to talk to a workman .


  12. 13 . Take a free walking tour Free walking tours of Paris central sights are available from several tour companies .


  13. After your gourmet dinner , take a walking tour of the floodlit monuments .


  14. Notes : The registration fee included registered , tea , lunch , architectural walking tour , farewell dinner and the brochure .


  15. He told me of how I had encouraged him on that first dreadful night 's walking tour and how he was rooting for me .


  16. Take a walking tour of downtown HB and discover Main Street shopping , dining and historic California sites like the Surfing Walk of Fame .


  17. Historic walking tour are a must for the tourist , especially Boston Commons , a city park , Scenic Beauty Evaluation and Establishing Techniques For Sightseeing Tea Gardens


  18. We 'll make a walking tour of some of the works of art on campus , and each of you will be responsible for giving a brief bio on one artist .


  19. Holidaymakers can follow in the footsteps of Tarantino 's Inglourious Basterds on a walking tour of the region .


  20. 18.Take a tour - Take a walking tour , a boat tour , a bicycle tour , an architectural tour old buildings or a gourmet eating tour .


  21. Bronze medallions embedded in San Francisco sidewalks take visitors along the Barbary Coast Trail , a walking tour that connects the city 's most important historic sites .


  22. Vist Green Lake , Yunnan military academy , Golden Horse Square , East and West Temple , the recent House ; dinner walking tour Nanping Street night market , Wangfujing .


  23. His brothers had already left the vicarage to proceed on a walking tour in the north , whence one was to return to his college , and the other to his curacy .


  24. If you aren 't on a city walking tour , do as locals do and hop on a bike while you explore some history at the Van Gogh museum and the Anne Frank House .


  25. Waiting in the hotel room , we leave a hospitality package with a T-shirt , a suggested walking tour of New York written by Fog Creek staffers , and a DVD documentary of the2005 summer interns .


  26. He told me of how I had encouraged him on that first dreadful night 's walking tour and how he was rooting for me . For three more weeks we continued our conversations , each giving the other the gift of caring and friendship .


  27. Our Harry Potter walking tour was conducted by London Walks , the same tour company I 'd patronized when I 'd lived there in the ' 90s , though my walks were centered on slightly more mature subjects like Churchill 's London and the Inns of Court .


  28. The municipality of St. R é my has done van Gogh tourists a service by creating a 19-point walking tour from the city center called Promenade de van Gogh , which can be complemented with an app called Van Gogh Natures that adds information about paintings he made in and around the asylum .


  29. He spent the first few months on a walking and sketching tour , before fetching up in Dublin .


  30. The center is at the heart of Van Gogh Village Neunen , and the starting point of an outdoor museum , a 22-point walking or biking tour that takes you to some lovely locations where van Gogh painted , and to the Starry Night bike path that lights up with swirls of twinkling stones after dark .
